-`Pursuing her dream if possible! (:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm back posting.. I dont feel like posting this days cause I'm lazy x: Too lazy to even type.. I only feel like watching 娱乐百分百 ( 100% entertainment ) So today had FnN and Biology exam. Both i cmi le lah ): FnN first question i already want die liao then i do until behind i wan cry le. Biology i only spend 30 minutes doing and the rest of my time i spend it on slacking cause i dont know how to do the rest of the question. The paper ask me what is hormones and my answer is hormones is something that is in your body x: then i cant remember another one is what question but i answer the question it suppose to be like that. >.< Tml physics paper. i prepare fail also liao ): meet the parent session is coming. OMG! i going die soon and today receive the prom night paper. 1 person need 69 dollars which is like 70?! expensive sia. i dunno i wan go anot sia.. Is just a waste of money.. i rather spend it on other places. Last last week, i manage to touch my toes cause i stretch alot. But today i try again. Guess what? i cant even reach now.. i realise i'm really like dancing alot too (: Just that my brain doesn't really absorb alot in 1 day so when i watch music video on their dance.. i must keep replay and replay alot of times so it can really go in.. But now i'm too lazy to even watch x: Cause i like watching another show..  Now is thundering and raining so heavily ._." i hate thunder.. it really scare the hell out of me. But at least i'm at home and i'm SAFE at home. TOTALLY SAFE! i dont really want post le.. Cause totally nothing to write.. I'll see my mood tml then i post! (:
Byes peoples! 

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 10:00 PM.
Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm back posting! Yesyes! Elaine is back (: So i'm currently is having my SA1 exam. Soon will be my O levels mother tongue exam le..Thank to that mother tongue paper. I'm not able to go to SHOW concert ): But i'm still glad i am still able to watch my favourite tv program! (: Hmm.. i changed my blog songs cause since the old skin not working and I'm back blogging so why not change the song too. And I realised something! I can use my lappy and go on youtube whole day without getting sian! (: Cause i got plenty of videos to watch.. And i just ate my Lays that i shouldn't eat until next next week. Hope daddy dont tell mummy and she dont find out until next next week. Or she will nag me for eating that packet of Lays. But my mouth just simply feel like eating it. i bought like dunno when and i cant eat. It's like so frustrating to put inside the container and when i open that container or see videos i will feel like eating x: It less than 1 month to my birthday. OMG! My sweeet 16 is coming and i'm getting older that mean soon i will be going to find a job.. But then i hope i can get to do my dream job! (: So recently i'm like crazy over a black bear jacket that is out of stock. But i dont think i will be getting it now? I may wait for other design to come out bahh. Okays, i'm totally fcuked up today so i was trying to cheer myself up and in the end i did it! I find myself so easy to get happy by just watching one tv program! (: Anyways i'm not going say much but i feel like typing more xD i'm totally addicted to it now.. Let me see, should i go back to watch my show or should i continue writing? I finally remember something. I realised nowadays i cannot take horror movie anymore. I dunno why suddenly i just felt very scared when i remember all the horror movie that i watched last time..

Anyways. Happy Mother's Day to all mummy and of course my beloved mummy and she told me this year she doesn't want any present. But i'm still intend to give her one in the morning when she wake up. but i'm not wasting any money buying! (:
I hope all mummys in the world will enjoy today! (:
Lastly but not least..

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 1:22 AM.

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person LOVE me .


You can call me ELAINE .
Currently studying in BedokTownSec☃
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o4o6 .
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This is my tagboard.
Mind what you`re tagging.
❤[tagboard here]❤
Cbox recommanded

▪ get my dream job ( wanting badly )
▪ Someone that❤me ( not wanting now )
▪ New pencilcase
▪ Zinc bag
▪ More clothes
▪That all i guess((:


[Loves one here]
Diana BABE
Celine BABE
Rickson KORKOR
Longxia KORKOR
Meishuen BAOBEI
Eidrian DADDIE
Kaixinguo KORKOR
Woonling BESTIE
Sorry if I missed out anyone {!}
Kindly note me in my taqboard :)

Sweet Escape
Currently no link(:

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