-`Pursuing her dream if possible! (:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hellos..sry for so long nvr post..been too busy and lazy to post..
so today went school as usual..
Gate duty was funny..
we talk crap..
And the most funny thing is that
a car came and derek thought that there was a hot babe coming out of the car.
in the end was a AHEMS x:
First period was PE..
We have floorball x:
apparently was white vs Blue..
and in the end white win..
even though it was quite scary .__.
after that we have CHINESE.
hao laoshi was not here..
and relief teacher took over..
so me , lili , derek and junhan
wanted to do the newspaper in the end
lili call me draw and junhan keep elaine-ing
and lili starting to elaine-ing me oso.
and i keep on laughing .__.
so the relief teacher gave us worksheet.
junhan help us do in a way of tikam-ing
which all the ans is different
and i got 1 correct x:
we sit with Lili and didn't do duty .__.
chatting all along..
After that was MATHS
mrs ng nvr come D:
so we have to do worksheet.
GEOG..miss choo teach new chapter..
and the english i forgot bring my english workbook..
oppies x:
as usual she is teaching and me and misriya playing hangman x:
dhen dhen i gave her the word pink wallet.
and she gave me the ans pink salad..
she smart sia :DD
Dhen out of no where derek ask me chat my phone..
and there miss call from junhan -.-"
dhen he call again..
then i bo liao go pick up..
dunno what he talking sia..
i just hang.. x:
After school.YIPPES xD
went prefect rm..
dhen see ppl play chess.
went canteen eat..
went for remedial..
dhen stay in prefect rm awhile
go interchange buy bubbletea with michell and derek.
dhen go home x:
use lappy awhile and now posting my suuuuppper dead blog x:
kay that all..
tatas peepos x:

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 6:45 PM.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HELLOS! back posting..
so today not alot thingy happened.
so i went school as usual with my NEW mp3 :DD
i enjoy the most is BIOLOGY!
we went lab..so me , mstriya (sry dunno how to spell) , junhan and derek were sitting the same table
so we talk alot and crap alot..
and then talk about national day song to thailand archery competition then to some stupid question
which one come first ? egg or chicken? lmao !
then recess as usual eindra talking on phone..
so i was saying she having a 1 million contract that why talk to long.
after that mother tongue. TEST ! omg lah.. behind i anyhow do de lorh.
then english..do correction and then half way mi and junhan change seat?
cause he wan play othello( i think like that spell) with feelah.
then f & n we went library ! joke ard and i'm slpy ! due to aircon D:
i keep yawning, L0l.
CME ! some singapore quiz then we connect out long table out of no where.
and then they playing othello again.
Contact time they still playing othello.. Omg how long are they gonna play.
and miss ye went missing..
never see her!
co-ft take over.
and then SCHOOL OVER !
so went next class find eindra..
ask want go out eat.
she say dun wan..wan go home.
then she go home lorh..
mi and derek went ne rm
for that social studies test that we nvr take.
in the end postpone again :DD
then went canteen i ate 2 chicken
and drink eidrian daddie give mi de ice lemon tea.
went home..
My marmie no work today..
so i saw her downstair when i going take the lift.
then we took lift tgt.
went up and i change out my uniform throw in washing machine and lie on my bed use my lappy.
awhile later i went on desktop do some stuff.
and eat dinner..
now posting and listening to music.
later i gonna watch fated to love you on channel u again..
even though i watch b4 le..
omg omg ! i like that show so much cause i think that dylan damn cute and hot x;
too bad that xinyi no marry him D:
then after watching i gonna slp

tatas peepos! that all i gonna post today..

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 8:59 PM.
Monday, August 10, 2009

i'm back posting..
nth to post today..
hmm..so today help my didi find blogskin
audi with celine , arielle and angel
now i chatting with them on msn x:
just now scroll through my audi pic
realise that alot picture bring back alot memories
sry currently cant post the pic.. i will update up soon :DD
hmm..currently hugging my penknife teddy :x
that all i'll post today.

buh byes peepos..i willl update soon :DD

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 7:59 AM.
Sunday, August 9, 2009

HELLOS! -TADA- my new blog :DD
this is my first post
i dunno wad to post..

-photo of myself((:

that all..buh byes ppl X:

♥ Never wanting to forget euu, the memories- 11:59 PM.

http://teddybear-luv.blogspot.com Welcome To My Bloggy❤
Love Me? I will Love you back
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person LOVE me .


You can call me ELAINE .
Currently studying in BedokTownSec☃
Everyone wish me a "HAPPY B'DAE" on every o4o6 .
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This is my tagboard.
Mind what you`re tagging.
❤[tagboard here]❤
Cbox recommanded

▪ get my dream job ( wanting badly )
▪ Someone that❤me ( not wanting now )
▪ New pencilcase
▪ Zinc bag
▪ More clothes
▪That all i guess((:


[Loves one here]
Diana BABE
Celine BABE
Rickson KORKOR
Longxia KORKOR
Meishuen BAOBEI
Eidrian DADDIE
Kaixinguo KORKOR
Woonling BESTIE
Sorry if I missed out anyone {!}
Kindly note me in my taqboard :)

Sweet Escape
Currently no link(:

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